Niðurtalningin er hafin (sjá í hægra horninu)
//Script courtesy of Sharon Gartenberg's Date Countdown //JavaScript generator under the GNU General Public License
var today = new Date; var Future0 = new Date; ThisYear = 2005;
var FutureMonth = 4; var FutureDate = 25; var faraevent = "úrslitaleikinn";
Future0.setMonth(FutureMonth, FutureDate); Future0.setFullYear(ThisYear);
today1 = Date.parse(today); future1 = Date.parse(Future0); secleft = future1 - today1; miliday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; daysleft = secleft/miliday; daysleftint = Math.round(daysleft);
if (daysleftint > 1) document.write("Það eru ", daysleftint, " dagar í ", faraevent , "! "); else if (daysleftint == 1) document.write(faraevent, " is tomorrow! "); else if (today1 == future1) document.write(faraevent, " is today! ");