Nolberto Solano vill [koma til Liverpool]( Í viðtali við perúska fjölmiðla segir hann:
>”It’s Liverpool. “It’s not just any team that is interested in me. It’s the team that has won the last Champions League and will surely fight for the title in The Premier League.
>”I am under contract at Aston Villa until May so to make them let me go I am going to ask for a two-year deal and that will make them let me go because the club doesn’t want that.
>”In addition to that maybe the officials don’t want to have problems with the supporters because I had been chosen as the best player of the team last season.
>”Besides all this, I have to sit down and have a conversation with the coach David O’Leary and tell him that this is a nice opportunity for me and my career.
Rafa neitaði áhuganum í gær, þannig að það er spurning hvort Rafa sé að fela eitthvað, eða hvort Solano sé eitthvað skrítinn.
Við skulum orða það þannig: Solano er á bekknum hjá Villa í dag, þrátt fyrir að vera alheill.
Það skyldi þó aldrei vera…