Mourinho kvót

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Hérna er kvót úr [grein á]( Greinin heitir nota bene: **Liverpool don’t worry us**

>Jose Mourinho is not worrying about having drawn titleholders Liverpool in the Champions League. He is much more concerned about the lesser-seeded teams, Anderlecht and Real Betis in Chelsea’s group. “Our group is dangerous not because of Liverpool but because of Betis and Anderlecht,” he said.

Þannig endar þetta kvót.

Úr þessu má lesa: Jose ber enga virðingu fyrir Liverpool!

En þetta er bara ekki rétt. Þrátt fyrir að Mourinho sé hrokagikkur, þá er hann ekki svona slæmur, auk þess sem hann hefur nánast alltaf talað vel um Liverpool. Það vantar nefnilega aftan á kommentið hans. Það var hins vegar [birt á Reuters](

>?This is a very dangerous group for us. **Not because of Liverpool, as all the teams in the top group were dangerous, no matter who we got. All of them were big teams with a big reputation.**

Þetta hljómar öðruvísi, ekki satt?

Auk þessa sagði hann [við BBC](

>”We always have great games against Liverpool and after last season’s semi-finals I think everyone thought it was fated we would meet again given Liverpool’s special situation,” he said.

>”We have the utmost respect for them as a club and, of course, as defending European champions they will want to defend that title as best they can.”


  1. Nákvæmlega! Mourinho er án nokkurs vafa hrokagikkur en það er algjör óþarfi að ýkja það eins og hefur verið gert í þessu dæmi. Mér fannst hann einmitt vera mjög varkár í yfirlýsingum sínum eftir dráttinn í Monaco.

Stelios skrifa undir við Bolton

Liverpool 3 – CSKA Moskva 1