Guess who’s back!


**Momo’s Back!**

Momo Sissoko verður (hugsanlega) í hópnum [gegn Birmingham í kvöld](!!

Í [viðtali við Official vefinn]( tjáir Momo sig um meiðslin og hræðsluna við að spila aldrei aftur fótbolta:

>”It was an awful time. There were lots of lonely hours at home when I was very worried and very scared about what was going to happen. It was such a bad injury.

>”I don’t mind admitting I cried a lot. I thought ‘this can’t be happening to me’. It didn’t seem possible that I could be in this situation. I just had to lie there and rest and hope that my vision would get better. It was only a couple of weeks but it felt much, much longer.”


>”I wasn’t happy when the Portuguese doctor told me that because all I want to do is play football,” he added. “He said that football was finished for me. I didn’t like that. I didn’t believe that. We went to see other specialists and thankfully things have got a lot better.

>”I knew I had a big problem and I knew what people were saying, but I tried my best to stay positive and to be as calm as possible. I had a lot of support from a lot of people and they helped me a tremendous amount.

Og einnig:

>”Three weeks ago I had zero vision in my right eye, now it’s about eighty per cent so that is a quick recovery. It’s hard to say if it’ll ever be perfect. There’s a chance it might but also a chance it might not. Only time will tell. The big thing for me is I can play football again. That’s all I want to do.”

Einnig, þá fjallar Liverpool læknirinn Mark Waller [um ótrúlegan bata Sissoko](


  1. ef sissoko nær ekki 100% sjón, þá á hann enga framtíð fyrir sér í toppfótbolta – eins sorglega og það hljómar fyrir 21 árs peyja. klókir andstæðingar munu alltaf ráðast á blindu hliðina.

    mér finnst svolítið skrýtið að tefla honum fram þegar þeir tala sjálfir um að hann sé enn að jafna sig. liðið er nú ekki statt í neinni heljarkrísu.

  2. Frábært! Myndin af honum er náttúrulega ekkert annað en stórkostlegt.

    Svo segir mjög áreiðanlegur heimildarmaður á YNWA-spjallinu að Momo og Riise verði ekki aðeins í hópnum í kvöld, heldur einnig í byrjunarliðinu. Það yrði **frábært** !!! :biggrin2:

    Bestu fréttir mánaðarins.

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