Blaðamenn á Guardian standa à að velja þá Ãþróttamenn, sem [þeir dáðust mest að á árinu]( Paul Wilson velur okkar mann, Peter Crouch og segir:
>This has not been a vintage year for English footballers, but one player has stood head and shoulders above the rest.
>Yes, 2006 has been the year of the Peter Crouch joke, though that does not mean this is a frivolous selection. Tell me another player who has scored a perfectly good (disallowed) goal in the FA Cup Final, in the World Cup finals, hit a hat-trick for England, volleyed in one of the best Champions League goals you will ever see and still found time to invent his own robot dance.
>The body-popping Crouch at least put a smile on everyone’s face and the tall striker kept smiling himself through England’s World Cup travails and Rafa Benitez’s rotation policy at Liverpool. Best of all, and this is the real clincher, he didn’t bore us all to death by bringing out a book. Class.
Vel mælt.
Það er mikið til à þessu hjá Wilson. Þegar maður lÃtur tilbaka þá er þetta búið að vera fantagott ár hjá stóra stráknum. Hann er ennfremur sterkur andlega og þolir mótlæti vel sem og þegar vel gengur.
Vonandi gengur þetta áfram svona vel hjá honum.
já hann er búinn að vera mjög góður betri en margur annar![🙂](