Kewell eftir tvær vikur? (uppfært)

Jæja, góðar fréttir af meiðslamálum: Rafa segir að [Harry Kewell geti hugsanlega]( spilað gegn Wigan eftir tvær vikur!

>”He’s back in training. But when you’ve been injured for a long time and you start working hard you get tired and need rest.

>”He’s close but how close? We’ll need to see him playing in some small games first.

>”Then after that we’ll need to see him play eleven-a-sides. He will play again this season, though. Maybe in two weeks’ time.”


Nenni ekki að búa til nýja færslu, en hérna er [fín grein um Rafa]( Finnst besta kvótið koma frá Mista, sem spilaði undir stjórn Rafa hjá Valencia:

>”Benitez prepares for matches like no one else. **Sometimes it would shock you just how often the opposition did precisely what he said they would do.”**



  1. Frábært! Vonandi að hann haldist svo heill um ókomna tíð! 🙂

Reading 1 – Liverpool 2

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