Slúður og væl

Chris Bascombe tjáir sig í pistli sínum um tvær slúðursögur, sem við höfum fjallað um hérna. Annars vegar [Defoe/Bent]( og hins vegar [Luis Garcia](

>Here we go with an occasional part of the column which will hopefully remove the need for the same phone calls / e-mails asking identical questions.

>Firstly, Liverpool have not bid for Jermaine Defoe and he wasn’t on Merseyside for talks this week. Nor have they bid £12m for Darren Bent. The striker saga may last a while this summer as Benitez tries to secure the targets he’s 100 per cent sure of first. Neither Defoe, nor Bent, have fully convinced the Liverpool boss they’re the answer, although it’s true both are under consideration.

>Secondly, Luis Garcia did not say a permanent goodbye to his team-mates at Saturday night’s FA Cup Final party. He was bidding farewell ahead of joining the World Cup squad”.

Svo mörg voru þau orð. Vonandi að þetta sé rétt, því ég var ekkert sérlega spenntur yfir þessum tveimur slúðursögum.

Einnig, þá er hérna fín grein í Telegraph um [vælið í Arsenal mönnum]( eftir Barcelona leikinn.


  1. Watford komið í úrvalsdeildina eftir sannfærandi sigur á Leeds 3:0. Hvernig líst mönnum á það :confused:

Uppgjör Liverpoolbloggsins á tímabilinu 2005/06

Uppgjör Liverpoolbloggsins á tímabilinu 2005/06