Owen slúður

Ég held að ég sé búinn að tékka á Liverpool fréttum á netinu að minnsta kosti á hálftíma fresti í dag. Einhvern veginn á maður von á einhverjum stórtíðindum eftir að það var tilkynnt að [Danny Murphy yrði seldur](http://www.kop.is/gamalt/2004/08/08/13.45.19/).

En það er ekkert að gerast, að því er virðist. Þannig að til að stytta okkur stundir, þá ætla ég að setja inn slúður af YNWA spjallborðinu. Þetta er MJÖG ÓÁREIÐANLEGT. Bara sett inn til gamans. Gæti verið satt, gæti verið 100% lygi.

>Michael Owen is set to leave Liverpool for Spain in a move sure to raise eyebrows across Europe and cause consternation on Merseyside. News has reached us that Michael is lined up to ply his trade in a warmer climate in a deal which will include one or possibly two players coming the other way.

>Owen?s contract negotiations at Anfield have seemingly dragged on for ages but with comments last week following Rick Parry?s meeting with Michael?s advisors in the U.S., many Liverpool fans clearly accepted that the contract extension would be signed and sealed next week. Now that is thrown into huge doubt and Michael could even be off to Spain before the start of the Premiership season.

>The acid test will come on Tuesday when Michael?s inclusion in the team to play Austria?s AK Graz would cup-tie him for any European campaign this season and so make his signature less attractive to his Spanish suitors.

>Of course any deal would throw up several huge questions. Who is our new boss bringing in to replace the many players who have departed or surely will soon depart Anfield this summer? And with the possible sale of Danny Murphy and Michael Owen within a few days of each other, what is happening to the local heart of our club? It seems that Senor Benitez has no problems making the changes he deems appropriate and for that we should all surely be thankful.

Tekið [héðan](http://www.ynwa.tv/forum/index.php?showtopic=35598) (þú þarft að skrá þig til að sjá síðuna. Endurtek, þetta er Slúður með Stóru S-i.


  1. Dave Usher sagði eftirfarandi um málið á spjallborðinu á liverpoolway.co.uk.


    “It’s not bollocks or a wind up sadly. I heard about this earlier today, but I wasn’t going to run anything like that on the site because my information is that it’s in the balance and nothing is certain. As I’ve said before, I’ll only run a story if I know it’s true.

    The situation as I understand it is that there has been an offer for Michael and he’s considering it. I’ve given my word to the person who told me that I wouldn’t put anything on the site, and I’m only mentioning it now because ynwa have brough it out into the open.

    I’ve also been in contact with ynwa about this today. They mailed me to see if I was aware of a ‘major story’ concerning something which was going down this week, and I replied and told them I was. We both had pretty much the same info, and I have a pretty good idea where they got it from.

    It’s a genuine story, and they are pretty sure he’s going. I’m not as sure as they are, and my gut instinct says he’ll stay. But that’s not based on any information I’ve had, its just my feeling.”

  2. Þetta er allt hið skrítnasta mál, sérstaklega einsog Owen hefur talað síðustu daga. Reyndar er maður orðinn þreyttur á því hversu lengi hann hefur dregið að skrifa undir samning, en maður átti ekki von á að Liverpool myndu selja.

    Það verður vissulega verulega athyglisvert að sjá hvernig málin þróast næstu daga. Benitez virðist vera farinn á flug.

Murphy verður seldur (staðfest)

Benitez vill Xabi Alonso!