You’ll Never Walk Alone… á mánudegi!

Rakst á góða grein sem fjallar um hvaða lið var fyrst til að syngja lagið YNWA. Skemmtilegt aflestrar sem og ótrúlega góð myndbönd af Youtube fylgja greininni.


  1. Frábær grein og súmmerar upp svo mikið sem tengist þessu stórkostlega félagi okkar. Það er akkúrat þetta sem fær mann oft til að trúa, fær mann til að horfa á björtu hliðarnar þrátt fyrir 2 töpuð stig á heimavelli. Ég var einmitt staddur í Istanbul á Ataturk Stadium í hálfleik við svipaða líðan og kemur fram í greininni. Segir allt sem segja þarf:

    “The second example is probably the most rousing and defiant You’ll Never Walk Alone I’ve ever been a part of. We were 3-0 down to the mighty AC Milan and being humiliated in front of the watching world, on the biggest stage imaginable. Imagine Buzz Aldrin stepping onto the moon, with people all around the globe glued to their screens, then Neil Armstrong sneaks up behind him and whips his trousers down. Ignore the fact he was in a spacesuit and it would have killed him, you get the idea. We had just had our trousers well and truly torn down by Kaka and co, and stood there exposed to the world, warts and all for everyone to see. The players left the field dejected, we all fell into our seats; slumped into piles of fleshy misery and humiliation, as others remained on their feet just staring into space, wondering if this was all just a dream, had that last 45 minutes really just happened? Well it had, and we were beaten, on and off the field. Our support a mixture of stares and slumpers, then it came.

    I was sat down on the floor in the aisle trying to take it all in, cold concrete under my sorry behind and no life left. I was beaten. Then the strains of You’ll Never Walk Alone could be heard in the distance. Just the opening few words; but I remained where I was, continuing to feel sorry for myself. My mate then screams out in anger, “that song’s not the answer for everything you know”.

    Then it begins to build. It gets louder and louder, people dragging themselves off the floor and helping up others. Rising from the dead like something out of a film, until there were 40,000 of us standing as one and belting it out. It turned from a few bars being sung in desperation, into a passionate mass of scouse solidarity within seconds, becoming the most rousing and supportive You’ll Never Walk Alone I’ve ever heard or been a part of, every word sung with belief and passion as flares lit up the Turkish sky. The Italians thought they had it won, celebrating amongst themselves at the far end of the stadium as we were draped across the ground like deflated red balloons; only to see the whole mood within the ground change during the singing of one song. Chests puffed out, standing tall, heads held high through the storm. The rest is history.”


  2. Ég var nú svo lummó að ég var bara á Players en ekki í Istanbul(kenni minni fyrrverandi algjörlega um það, sérstaklega þar sem hún er ekki hérna til að mótmæla því)…en maður upplifði þetta vel á Players, þannig að ég get rétt ýmindað mér hvernig þetta var á vellinum sjálfur og í dag myndi ég gefa mikið fyrir að hafa upplifað þetta live.

    25.05.2005 er klárlega besti dagur sem stuðningsmaður Liverpool svona í seinni tíð, mikið assgoti vona ég að þeir verði fleirri á þessu og/eða komandi tímabilium.


  3. Flottur linkur Aggi!
    Nákvæmlega málið. Ég hef verið á Celtic Park á heimleik þeirra og það voru fáir sem sungu með þar.
    Þetta snýst nefnilega um það að þetta er okkar lag alla daga alls staðar. Þess vegna er það okkar lag, sama hver söng það fyrst….

Liverpool 0 – Stoke 0

Af tölfræði gegn litlu liðunum…..