Echo eru með ágæta grein, sem mér finnst trúverðugari en þetta með að 36 milljóna tilboðinu hafi verið tekið: [Reds expect Gerrard offer](
>LIVERPOOL have rubbished reports today suggesting Chelsea have clinched a British record-breaking £35.7m deal for Steven Gerrard.
>”That is completely untrue,” said a senior Anfield official. But privately the Reds believe Gerrard has already made up his mind to go and they are bracing themselves for a formal bid soon.
Einnig góður punktur varðandi verðmæti Gerrards
>The Reds, however, are bitterly disappointed by Gerrard’s decision so soon after he committed himself to a new contract and was made club captain.
>And they may yet test the player’s resolve to leave by placing a prohibitive price tag on his head. So far fees in the region of £30m have been suggested, but with the 24-year-old tied to a four-year contract Liverpool still hold all the aces.
Og í [The Times segir](,,27-1157538,00.html)
>Such a public pursuit of Gerrard is causing much irritation on Merseyside, with the Anfield hierarchy understood to be less than impressed at an approach they believe has contributed greatly to the player?s increasingly itchy feet. Privately, Liverpool may be resigned to losing their club captain, but they are anxious to avoid the humiliation of being cast in the role of a club who can no longer hang on to their prized assets.
>At least Gerrard?s departure would provide a welcome injection of cash to help to fund Benítez?s rebuilding programme, with Owen Hargreaves, the Bayern Munich and England midfield player, already touted as a likely replacement.
Jæja, það er gott að Echo skuli hafa það eftir fulltrúum Liverpool að það sé ekki búið að selja Gerrard … ennþá.
En það þýðir samt ekki að það geti ekki gerst í nánustu framtíð. Þetta stendur og fellur með Gerrard, ætli hann sé ekki bara að íhuga þessi mál næstu tvo-þrjá daga og taki svo ákvörðun?
Samt – þetta slúður er alveg að fara með mig. Ég meika ekki að fá svona hjartaáfall á hverjum einasta morgni… 😡