Ensku blöðin halda því nú fram að [Liverpool sé annað þeirra liða](http://itv-football.co.uk/Teams/Liverpool/story_117756.shtml), sem hafi gert Edgar Davids tilboð.
Einnig eru menn strax farnir að skrifa bull greinar um Milan Baros og orða hann við Chelsea, Juventus og öll möguleg lið. Mesta samansafnið af bulli er sennilega [í þessari grein](http://www.sportnetwork.net/main/s342/st54572.htm?fromrss=1)
>But for Baros himself the temptation to move away must be great and it is for this reason, that I believe he will move. Milan have the tradition and the money to attract almost anyone and must be in with a fair chance and have recently been making all the right noises towards a completion of that very goal.
>Chelsea on the other hand definately have the money and a chance to be a part of another Russian reveloution may well be tempting, to the young striker, with team-mate and friend Peter Cech already installed at Stamford Bridge, he would also have a familiar face.
Ég missti ansi mikið álit á bresku pressunni eftir þessa Gerrard sögu (sérstaklega þegar menn fóru að efast um hæfileika Gerrard eftir að hann hafnaði Chelsea). Baros mun ekki fara neitt. Punktur.